Chaplain of the Year
In 1974, Reverend Dr. Lawrence W. Johnson’s vision took shape at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Houston, Texas. Faced with a growing number of requests to provide prayer, solace, and community resources for patients arriving to Houston for medical treatments, Rev. Johnson was inspired to utilize his Chaplaincy Training. After much prayer and asking for Volunteers, he Trained a group of five church members. Each especially Training Lay Chaplain was prepared to visit the sick and placed in one of the five major hospitals of the Texas Medical Center in Houston, Texas. A great Guild of Spiritual Care Volunteers was born. This special Training is provided to Pastors, Deacons, Elders, and Lay people within the church setting who feel called to visit those suffering from crises, disease, isolation, suffering, and end-of-life in healthcare settings.
The Chaplain of the Year Award was created to recognize a faithful compassion for serving the sick envisioned by Reverend Johnson. This Award salutes individuals who dedicate their time shepherding or visiting God’s people who are suffering. Recommendations for this award come from various sources such as POP Board members and the Staff of POP who recognize devoted individuals whose Pastoral Care qualities exemplify this Award.
Faithfully serving, The Chaplain of the Year is one who exemplifies dedication to patients, families, medical communities, and their faith community. Feedback from churches, patients, and hospital Spiritual Care Departments helps PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE recognize and celebrate the awardee. Humility in service, prayerful visits, the showing of God’s loving grace, and deep care for patients are just some of the qualities the past recipients have shown. The Reverend Dr. Lawrence W. Johnson Award acknowledges how the Awardees’ transformative service to God, affects the well-being of their entire community-at-large.
The Reverend Dr. Lawrence W. Johnson Chaplain of the Year Award is presented to honorees at a PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE event.
2023 Chaplain of the Year
The Reverend Dr. James T. Birchfield
Dr. Jim Birchfield’s Biographical sketch, CLICK HEREPictured are: Marta & Reverend Dr. Jim Birchfield
Award presented at the 2023 Deep in the Heart of Texas Celebration on
February 23, 2023
2022 Chaplain of the Year
Rev. Dr. Dave Peterson
Reverend Dr. Dave Peterson’s Biographical sketch, CLICK HERE
Award presented at the 2022 Deep in the Heart of Texas Celebration on
February 23, 2022
2020 Chaplain of the Year
Mack Taylor
Mack Taylor’s Biographical sketch, CLICK HERE Pictured are: POP Lay Chaplain Mack Taylor, Susan Taylor,
AnneMarie Wallace, President
Pictured are: POP Lay Chaplain Mack Taylor, Susan Taylor,
Rev. Kelvin Cox, Sr., POP Director of Operations & Spiritual Care
Award presented at the 2020 Deep in the Heart of Texas Celebration on
February 21, 2020
2018 Chaplain of the Year
Arthur Gene Meyer
Arthur Gene Meyer’s Biographical sketch, CLICK HERE
Pictured are: Reverend Ann Marie Quigley-Swanson with Arthur Gene Meyer
Pictured are: Arthur Gene Meyer, AnneMarie Wallace, President,
Rev. Robert Kidd, Senior Vice President of Spiritual Care and Values Integration at Houston Methodist Hospital
In Loving Memory of Arthur Gene Meyer CLICK HERE
Award presented at the 2018 Deep in the Heart of Texas Celebration on
September 28, 2018
2016 Chaplain of the Year
Esmeralda Teo, MD
Dr. Esmeralda Teo’s Biographical sketch, CLICK HERE
Dr. Esmeralda Teo, POP Lay Chaplain holding her award and a “KayK’s POP Prayer Bear.”
“Thank you so much for the award! Oh my, I’ve never received anything like that before. It’s beautiful! and I am totally unworthy of it. I feel that it drives me to continue the work here, with my patients, and those around me – encouraging them, and being a channel of God’s love to those who need it.” – Esmeralda Teo [she is now serving at Singapore General Hospital, Republic of Singapore]

Pictured are: POP Lay Chaplain Dr. Esmeralda Teo and Dr. Mingyann Lim with their
sons Dao Yi Lim and Johanan.
Award presented at the 2016 Deep in the Heart of Texas Celebration on
October 4, 2016
2014 Chaplain of the Year
Dot Uthlaut
POP Lay Chaplain Dot Uthlaut’s Biographical sketch, CLICK HERE
Pictured are: Rev. Robert Kidd, Houston Methodist, Rev. Steve Spidell,
POP Lay Chaplain Dot Uthlaut, Rev. Charles Millikan, Houston Methodist,
AnneMarie Wallace, President
In Loving Memory of Dot Uthlaut Click Here
Award presented at the 2014 Deep in the Heart of Texas Celebration on
November 6, 2014