KayK’s POP Prayer Bear
POP’s polar bears are named in honor of Kay Kerr Walker, “KayK,” (1952 – 2020), who received the first polar bear from PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE while she was going through some really tough days. The bear became a perfect neck pillow or armrest under IV-pole attachments. KayK shares that the Spiritual Care visits and prayer helped her express faith and hope in God. The POP Volunteer Lay Chaplains will have access to Prayer Bears to disseminate to families in need.
“Relinquishing control is an important aspect of this journey and being open to listen to both spiritual and human guidance leads you forward. And by the way, everyone needs polar bear adventures added to their stories of life!” – KayK Walker
Over the years the Walker Family and many Friends of POP have made many donations to this program. Many patients have already been recipients of these Prayer Bears, finding comfort with their new soft companions!
KayK’s daughter, Carter Walker Dugan, offers all of us insight into how KayK’s POP Prayer Bear can help a family with health crises: “Sickness is hard for adults to understand and experience, but it is even more difficult for children to understand sickness and to be near. KayK’s POP Prayer Bear was a wonderful gift for our family because it provided our young children a fun way to interact with my mom (their grandmother) when she experienced some of the most intense periods of her sickness. We were able to visit her room and play with her polar bear, imagine trips with the bear, imagine what the bear would eat – do all of the wonderful imagination play we enjoyed while mom was well. It was a bright spot during an otherwise very difficult time, and it allowed us to do what we wanted most – to enjoy each other as we always did – and ignore the sickness in the room.”
“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
Donate here.
Thank you.
CLICK HERE to listen to Helen share what all her bear can do!
View the Prayer Bear Adventures page to see where KayK’s Prayer Bears have traveled to bring love and comfort to the POP Community.