Main Street Ministries Garden, located within walking distance from the Texas Medical Center, is run by a diverse group of volunteers from the community. Main Street Ministries Garden provides free weekly boxes of fresh produce, herbs and flowers to Texas Medical Center patients and their caregivers. Eating healthy can be time consuming and a financial burden for the caregiver and the patient. The hope is to promote healing, ease the financial burden of purchasing fresh produce, appeal to a variety of senses and show a gesture of love to those in the midst of a health crisis.
“So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today,” (Matthew 6:34).
Prayers Of the People is proud to partner with this wonderful, community-led initiative to make sure people in the Texas Medical Center receive the proper nutrition they need. POP Spiritual Care Volunteers help Main Street Garden Ministries connect with patients in the TMC in a variety of ways:
- Connect out-of-town patients, family members, and caregivers with Main Street Ministries Garden so food and produce may be delivered
- Provide written prayers to be included in each basket for patients, family members, and caregivers
- Help with the delivery of Main Street Ministry Garden baskets
Through this partnership, POP and Main Street Ministries are able to ensure the people who are not from the Houston area are receiving much-needed resources to help them cope with arduous and long-lasting health crises.