From: Linnet Tse <linnet.tse@gmail.com>
Date: March 29, 2015 at 12:54:37 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Website – Privacy Help
To: Michael Gyura <michael@gyura.com>
I’m going to be a bit anal about this, just so that I clearly understand the options. Can you respond to each of the questions below.
1) First, let me make sure I understand the options correctly:
Option 1. Password protect every single page where there is a privacy concern. Do not use PDF, unless I password protect the PDF page using pro version. Parents have to enter password for every single page that they wish to view.
Option 2. Use “Members Only” button to protect a section. Parent inputs userid and password once a session and can access anything within that section during their session.
2) Detailed questions for Option 2:
- Where would I go to set up a “Members Only” section . . . would I mark the entry page “private” instead of public or password protected? If not, where do I go and how do I set up a section as “members only?”
- Do I input each parent as a new user with “subscriber” privileges only?
- Then, would I set up all the pages under “For Our Families” as “private” (assuming I am correct in guessing that “private” limits access to members)?
- What rules apply to PDFs that are uploaded within a “members only” section? Would they be protected, or not?
- Would all parents then have access to all the “members only” pages? i.e. we would no longer be able to distinguish between the 2’s parents and the 3’s parents, etc? (I don’t think this would be a problem, but i just want to be very clear about this.)