Yes, we may speak about fear. We will experience fear.
Then what?
Yes, go ahead and name your feelings, “I am afraid, or I have fear.”
Then, take several deep breaths and begin to listen deeply.
Ask God to replace the fear with peace. Will it happen?
Yes, listen fully. Listen for the Holy Spirit praying for you and praying with you.
Yes, the Spirit of God meets you right in the midst of your very real feelings.
God is not policing your feelings.
God does not accept just certain feelings from His dear children.
No, all of your feelings are recognized and held by God.
If so, then what are the steps we should take?
No need to try to know a perfect process.
God’s loving Spirit is already there.
There right in the midst of your fear.
There right in the midst of the struggle.
Praying, holding and…transforming you.
Yes, as you allow your cry of fear to be spoken to God.
You are agreeing with a change, His Spirit meeting your fear.
Changing your fear of what you see — to faith in what you cannot see.
Then we are able to trust even when we cannot clearly see His provisions.
Trust in a Magnificent God who relieves your fear.
Trust borne out of an honesty with His Spirit.
Trust borne out of His Spirit praying with us.
Trust in His loving grace transforming us!
He’s done it once and He will do it again!
Yes, speak the truth.
Accept there is a gift of the Holy Spirit happening within you.
O Holy God, thank you for transforming my fear to trusting in Your on-going provisions. Your provisions are available right in the midst of our troubles.
Together, we turn around and say, “Thank You, Sweet Lamb of God. Amen.”